ANTIETAM-The Book & Movie
John Hennessy, author, Return to Bull Run: "Stunningly good. This book is a rare phenomenon in the publishing world. it's original. It's a non-traditional look at the nation's most deadly day--looking at the battle through prisms never used, with analysis supported by deep thought, fine research, and elegant writing. Not everyone will agree with everything here, but all who read this book will be provoked to think anew about Antietam and the Civil War."
Bruce Newsome, author, Made Not Born; Why Some Soldiers are Better Than Others: "Graham brings fresh analysis, deep knowledge of history, and engaging writing to the study of the American way of war. He astutely draws on memoirs, historical analysis, psychology, philosophy, and technology to deliver a grand and comprehensive new understanding of American traditions that still influence warfare today."
Tom Clemens: editor, The Maryland Campaign": Brad Graham has done some of the deepest thinking, and most thorough research of Antietam-related topics I have ever seen. Not only does he take on controversial topics, but also some obscure ones, and provides thoughtful and engaging answers to all. Not content to merely skim the surface, Graham takes the reader around the world, literally, to explain the drought of 1862, and deep into the minds of leaders on both sides to explain the human factors of combat decision-making. This book is provocative, thoughtful, and well-written. For those unsatisfied with facile and shallow explanations to the whys and wherefores of Antietam, this book will be a delight.
D. Scott Hartwig, author To Antietam Creek: “Graham's work probes topics often ignored in more traditional narratives. Brad challenges long-accepted notions of chivalry on the Civil War battlefield, of stupidity in the higher ranks, and of the time-honored legend of the "born soldier" in America, and does so through rigorous research and penetrating analysis. The Antietam Effect brings history alive, making the events of Antietam useful in the present and relevant to everyone interested in learning from the events of the past."
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